Dental Practice Infection Control Policy

Video 6 of 39
2 min 19 sec

Implementing Infection Control Procedures in Dental Practices

Importance of Infection Control Procedures

Effective infection control in dental practices hinges on:

  • Full Compliance: Every member of the dental team must fully adhere to infection control procedures.
  • Documented Policy: Each practice must maintain a documented infection control policy that is regularly updated and discussed.
  • Staff Understanding: It is the responsibility of each practitioner to ensure all dental staff understand and implement these procedures.

Monitoring and Implementation

Key steps to ensuring safe and realistic infection control:

  • Regular Monitoring: Procedures should be monitored during clinical sessions and discussed at practice meetings.
  • Policy Availability: The infection control policy should be easily accessible to all staff to ensure competence and confidence in implementation.
  • Patient Confidence: Displaying an infection control statement can reassure patients, with staff prepared to address patient queries effectively.

Ensuring Compliance and Accountability

Practical measures to enforce infection control:

  • Staff Training: Ensure all staff receive training and sign a declaration confirming their understanding of the infection control policy.
  • Duty of Care: Dentists are obligated to uphold infection control standards to protect both patients and staff.
  • Legal Implications: Failure to implement adequate infection control measures can lead to serious professional consequences.