Exposure Incident, Reporting and Follow Up
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Managing Exposure Incidents in Healthcare Settings
Definition of Exposure Incident
An exposure incident involves mucous membranes, broken skin, or punctures coming into contact with blood or other infectious material during work duties.
Immediate Steps to Take
If you suspect exposure:
- Decontaminate the affected area.
- Seek immediate medical treatment.
- Report the incident to your supervisor.
Two Hour Rule for Reporting
Complete necessary forms within two hours of the incident, prioritising medical treatment over paperwork.
Post-Exposure Treatment
Healthcare workers exposed to HIV or HBV should receive:
- Appropriate and expedited post-exposure treatment.
- Consideration for preventative treatments if at high risk.
Employer Responsibilities
Employers must:
- Develop an exposure control plan.
- Designate doctors for immediate advice and follow-up.
- Ensure access to infection preventing medications.
Medical Guidance and Support
Expert advice and support include:
- Consultants in virology, microbiology, and infectious diseases.
- Occupational Health services for injury management.
Testing and Follow-Up
Employees should:
- Provide baseline and follow-up samples as appropriate.
- Undergo testing, including a 6-month test post-exposure.
Updated Treatment Guidelines
Designated physicians must stay informed about:
- Latest developments in post-exposure treatment.
- Use of hepatitis B vaccine and anti-retroviral drugs.
After-Hours Support
Ensure availability of support outside regular hours with clear policies for management.
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