PPE for dental professionals

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Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Safety Practices in Dental Practice

Importance of PPE

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is crucial in dental practice to protect both practitioners and patients:

  • Includes sterile or non-sterile gloves for minimally invasive procedures.
  • Aprons are essential during procedures prone to splashing.
  • Heavy-duty gloves are required for tasks like cylinder changes and handling developer and fixer.

Risks and Contagion

Saliva and blood-borne diseases pose significant risks, especially during procedures like CPITN or BPE:

  • Gentle probing can expose practitioners to saliva and potential infections.

Sterilisation Procedures

Adhere to strict sterilisation protocols:

  • Central sterilisation or on-site washer-disinfector and steriliser systems must comply with HTMO1-05.
  • Avoid touching sterile equipment after the sterilisation process.
  • Handle contaminated equipment in designated areas with heavy-duty gloves.

Handling Waste

Proper waste management is critical:

  • Separate waste into sharps, contaminated, clinical, and domestic categories.
  • Follow practice-specific procedures displayed in waste management areas.

Protective Eyewear and Masks

Ensure safety during procedures:

  • Wear protective eyewear when using high-speed or low-speed turbines to prevent splatter.
  • Always wear a mask or visor during patient procedures to minimise exposure.

Universal Safety Procedures

Adopt universal precautions:

  • Use consistent procedures to safeguard both practitioners and patients.