The decontamination room process

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For the purposes of this video, I have no apron or mask on due to the microphone, but usually, I would have full PPE. So I have just taken away the dirty instruments. So I am going to submerge those into the enzymatic bath. And then these are disposable, so these go straight into the clinical waste bin. We have removed our gloves and then put new gloves on. The instruments are then put into the transportation box, which is the dirty box, to the transport to the decontamination room, and all PPE is removed. So the box is now transported to the dirty decontamination room.

Okay, now I am in the dirty room. I am just going to clean my hands before donning the PPE. So I am just going to wet my hands, first of all, with water. Then I am going to cover my hands with enough soap to cover the surfaces and then going to rub palm-to-palm and then I am going to take my right palm over the left and interlace my fingers and then again on the other hand. I am then going to rub my fingers back-to-back to clean my fingernails and then I am going rub my thumbs in a rotational movement. And then going to rub my fingers on the palm of my hand to clean, again, the tips of my fingers and then rinse my hands with water. And I am going to turn off the tap with my arm and take the paper towels to wipe. Once I have wiped, they are ready to go in the bin, in the clinical waste bin, and my hands are now safe to don my PPE.

Okay, so I have just washed my hands and now I have put on fresh PPE. Again, I would have a mask and an apron, but due to the microphone, I do not. So then I am going to take out my dirty instruments and put them into the ultrasonic bath for a cycle. So all the instruments are taken out separately. I have placed all the instruments into the ultrasonic bath and now I am going to remove my gloves and turn it on for a cycle.

The cycle is now finished, so with clean gloves, I am going to remove the instruments and rinse them, ready to go in the washer-disinfector. They are then reloaded to the tray to go through the washer-disinfector.

So with clean gloves on, I am now going to take my instruments out of the dirty box and put them into the washer-disinfector. Again, the instruments should not be touching and they should all be opened enough to disinfect them correctly.

Once they are all loaded, remove the gloves and just shut the machine to turn on and start the cycle. Okay, so the cycle has just finished, so I am just going to remove the instruments from the washer-disinfector and then going to place them in the dirty box so that they are in a secure place, and then I am going to inspect them under the magnifying glass.

So I take each instrument and shine it under the glass to ensure that all the debris has been removed. If I find something that has not been removed correctly, then I will start the cycle again and they will then go through the ultrasonic again until they come out clean, ready for the sterilisation process.

Okay, so I am happy with how those have come out of the washer-disinfector. So I am now ready to place the box into the hatch to go through onto the sterilisation side. So I am just going to remove my gloves and place the box into the hatch, ready for the sterilisation process.

So I have just come into the clean side now and done my hand hygiene again and put on clean PPE. I am now going to remove the dirty box from the hatch, which has come from the dirty side, into the clean room, and remove it to place into the autoclave. So in order to put them in the autoclave, you have to put them in so that they are not overlapping in order to sterilise correctly. So all the instruments are laid out on the tray so that they are not overlapping and then go straight into the autoclave. I then remove my dirty gloves to close the autoclave and to turn it on.

So I am just removing the instruments from the autoclave cycle, which has finished successfully, and I am placing them down onto the clean side. I am now going to just dry them over to ensure that they are not wet before pouching them into a sterilisation pouch and sealing with the date. You have a stamp to-date, which is one year from the sterilisation. If the item is not used within that year, then it is reprocessed once out of date with the stamp. It is then ready to go back into surgery.

It is then transported back to the surgery in the clean box, which is here. All items are then placed inside and sealed, ready for transportation back to the surgery.