Dental CPR - 2021 guidelines

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2021 UK Resuscitation Guidelines: CPR in Dental Practices

Overview of CPR Guidelines

Learn about the updated 2021 UK Resuscitation guidelines for CPR in dental settings.

Causes of Cardiac Arrest in Dental Practice

Cardiac arrest causes typically include:

  • Pre-existing medical conditions
  • Complications of procedures
  • Allergic reactions

Training Requirements for Dental Care Professionals

All dental care professionals are required to:

  • Undergo annual practical training in medical emergency recognition and management.
  • Be trained in CPR, basic airway management, and AED usage.

Applying CPR in Dental Situations

Steps to apply CPR in a dental emergency:

  • Check the patient's mouth for obstructions and clear solid materials.
  • Prevent airway obstruction before positioning the patient.
  • Recline the dental chair fully horizontally.
  • Stabilise the chair with a stool under the backrest.
  • Initiate chest compressions immediately with the patient lying flat.
  • Consider over-the-head CPR technique if access to the chest is limited.
  • Ensure basic CPR equipment including a bag-valve-mask device is readily available.
  • Send for an AED unit immediately and use it as soon as possible.
  • Continue CPR until emergency medical services (EMS) arrive.

Follow these guidelines to effectively manage cardiac emergencies in dental practices according to the latest UK Resuscitation Council recommendations.