Dental Emergency Resuscitation Kits

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3 min 26 sec
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Dental Emergency Kit Overview

Introduction to the Dental Emergency Kit

Discover the essential components and features of our dental emergency kit.

Overview of the Openhouse Bag

The dental emergency kit is housed in an Openhouse bag, renowned for its durability and comprehensive design.

Organisation and Accessibility

The kit is meticulously organised to ensure quick access during emergencies, consolidating all essential equipment in one secure place.

Key Features of the Kit

  • Defibrillator Compatibility: Accommodates various defibrillator brands with a dedicated AED prep kit.
  • Secure Medication Storage: Emergency medications are stored visibly on the bag’s exterior, secured with a strap.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Designed to meet regulatory standards by keeping essential items readily accessible.

Contents of the Kit

The kit includes:

  • Oxygen Cylinder: Clearly labelled with a visible gauge to monitor oxygen levels.
  • Suction Equipment: Easily accessible within the kit.
  • Bag-Valve-Mask (BVM) Devices: Includes adult and child sizes with necessary masks.
  • Oropharyngeal (OP) Airways: Packaged separately for immediate use.

Customisation Options

We offer flexible purchasing options:

  • Empty bags for personalisation.
  • Complete kits with essential items.

Oxygen Supply Information

For oxygen supply enquiries, please contact us at

Compliance and Long-Term Benefits

The kit ensures compliance with CQC requirements and other relevant associations, promoting efficiency and safety in dental practices.

Further Enquiries

For more details, visit our website or email