Dental Immediate Life Support (ILS) Level 3 (VTQ)

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Adult choking

Video 92 of 101
4 min 29 sec
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Preventing and Managing Choking Incidents in Healthcare Settings

The Importance of Proper Patient Positioning

Minimizing Choking Risks through Correct Posture

In healthcare facilities, incidents of choking should be exceedingly rare. These situations typically arise due to lapses in attention or neglect of fundamental procedures. Key considerations include:

  • Situate the Patient Upright: Feeding patients lying flat is ill-advised, as it hinders proper airway management. Patients must be in a seated position to consume food safely and effectively.
  • Alternative Feeding Methods: If a patient cannot sit up, alternative feeding methods such as PEG-feeding or drip-feeding should be explored to avoid the introduction of solids or thick liquids while lying down.

Safe Feeding Practices

Guidelines for Patient Feeding to Prevent Choking

Seated Patient

Ensuring Proper Airway Management for Patients in an Upright Position

When a patient is sitting upright, follow these feeding precautions:

  • Correct Bed Position: Adjust the bed to an upright position to facilitate safe and comfortable eating for the patient.
  • Gradual Feeding: Avoid rushing the feeding process, as haste can increase the risk of choking.

Patient at Bedside

Managing Choking Risks for Patients Seated at the Bedside

Patients sitting on the edge of the bed should be fed cautiously, taking care to prevent falls:

  • Caution on Bedside: Ensure the patient cannot fall from the bed during feeding to prevent accidents.
  • Consider Patient Safety: Assess the risks of moving the patient to feed them in a potentially less secure position.

Immediate Response to Choking

Effective Strategies for Managing Choking Incidents

Choking in a Prone Position

Rapid Action Plan for Patients Choking in a Prone Position

If a choking incident occurs with the patient in a prone position, act swiftly with the following steps:

  • Lower Bed Sides: Quickly lower the sides of the bed to access the patient.
  • Halos Position: Place your hand across the patient's face, outside of the leg, and roll them over gently to initiate airway management.
  • Back Patting: Pat the patient's back to clear the airway and maintain airway control until additional equipment arrives.

Choking in a Seated Position

Effective Techniques for Managing Choking in Seated Patients

When a patient in a seated position begins choking, consider the following interventions:

  • Encourage Coughing: Prompt the patient to cough, as this natural reflex can help dislodge the obstruction by expelling air.
  • Back Slaps: While the patient leans forward and coughs, perform gentle back slaps between the shoulder blades to assist in dislodging the blockage.
  • Patient Safety: Ensure the patient cannot fall during these actions, maintaining full control over their position.

Abdominal Thrusts on Bed

Performing Abdominal Thrusts to Remove Obstruction on a Bed

For patients in various bed positions, including lying or sitting, use abdominal thrusts as a last resort:

  • Technique Description: On a bed, perform upward and inward pulls just below the sternum to create pressure in the lungs, expelling the obstruction.
  • Swift and Forceful: Ensure the maneuver is forceful and rapid, simulating the pressure generated by a stomach punch.

Remember, patient safety is paramount throughout any choking incident response.