CPR Seizures and agonal gasps
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Recognizing Signs of Cardiac Arrest
1. Introduction
Understanding Immediate Changes During Cardiac Arrest
- Sudden Internal Environment Shift: Acknowledging the abrupt transformation within a patient's body during cardiac arrest.
- Cessation of Brain Perfusion: Recognizing that blood flow to the brain halts during this critical phase.
2. Identifying Common Signs
Key Indicators Following Cardiac Arrest
- Body Movements Resembling Seizures: Observing involuntary motor actions that may resemble a seizure.
- Agonal Gasps: Noting gasping breaths, known as agonal gasps, that can occur.
3. Proper Response
Clear Action in the Face of Uncertainty
- Correct Course of Action: Ensuring responders make informed decisions based on their observations.
- Distinguishing Agonal Gasps: Avoiding confusion between agonal gasps and normal breathing.
- Motor Movements Clarification: Preventing misinterpretation of involuntary motor movements as seizures.
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