CPR Breaths
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Using a Bag Valve Mask for Effective Ventilation
1. Introduction
The Importance of Ventilation in Resuscitation
- Complementing CPR: Ventilation complements CPR by providing essential external oxygen to the patient.
- Continuous Oxygen Supply: Maintaining a constant oxygen supply is crucial for positive outcomes.
2. Bag Valve Mask (BVM) Overview
Understanding the Bag Valve Mask Components
- Components: The BVM consists of a bag, valve, and mask for oxygen delivery.
- Oxygen Supply: Oxygen is supplied through a connection from either a piped-in system or an oxygen cylinder.
- Process Flow: Oxygen fills the bag, passes through the valve, and is delivered via the mask to the patient.
3. Proper BVM Usage
Effective Techniques for Bag Valve Mask Application
- Mask Orientation: Ensure the mask's narrow end aligns with the patient's nose, while the wider end covers both mouth and nose.
- Anaesthetist's Grip: Adopt the anaesthetist's grip by holding the mask with your thumb at the pointed end and your forefinger at the bottom.
- Airway Management: Use the three free fingers to lift the patient's chin, open the airway, and maintain proper alignment.
- Effective Squeezing: Apply gentle pressure to the bag for one to one and a half seconds per breath to ensure easy airflow without resistance.
- Monitoring for Issues: Be alert for signs of airway obstruction, indicated by difficulty in bag compression, gurgling sounds, or resistance.
- Minimal Breaths: Administer only two breaths within your CPR rotation; prioritize chest compressions as they are vital for maintaining blood circulation.
- Oxygen Safety: Remember that oxygen is combustible; exercise caution by removing it from the vicinity during defibrillation to prevent potential sparks.
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